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Writer's pictureEesti Loomeresidentuurid

4 questions- TYPA

TYPA is a print museum and paper art centre located in Tartu, showcasing the history of printmaking and papermaking to visitors. The TYPA residency program began in 2018, continuing the work started by the Tartu artist-in-residence programme (TAIiR). The TYPA residency is organized in collaboration with the Tartu City Council and the local creative community, offering artists the opportunity to participate in cultural exchange with a focus on graphic arts and printmaking. The residency program is coordinated by artist Stina Leek, who answers LOORE’s questions.

1. What is it like to run the residency?It is a great honor and joy to provide creative people with the time, space, and opportunity to focus on their work. Meeting and working with artists from around the world who come to Tartu is both inspiring and eye-opening. Each artist who arrives at TYPA leaves behind a piece of their knowledge and perspectives, enriching both the TYPA environment and our team members personally. Plus, it's not a bad feeling knowing that, thanks to the residency, we now have friends all over the world waiting for us to visit.

2. What is the most important thing to know about the TYPA residency?Although we are a centre focused on paper and printmaking, you don’t have to be a professional printmaker to apply for our residency. This means that we welcome professionals from various creative fields, as long as they are interested in experimenting with the opportunities our centre provides. Even if that means the artist is connecting their work with paper and printmaking for the first time in our residency. We are open to new perspectives on how to approach printmaking and paper art!

3. Why are you LOORE members?

We are LOORE members because together, we can improve the quality of our residencies and create better conditions for both the artists who come here and ourselves. Sharing information and experiences, supporting one another, collaborating on joint projects, and more – all of this is invaluable to us. It's reassuring to know that if we encounter challenges or problems, we now have a support network to turn to for advice. Additionally, it's been eye-opening and fascinating to discover other creative residencies operating in Estonia!

4. A mighty crab grants you one wish, what would you ask for?

More space! If this wish were granted, we could offer the artists who come here even more opportunities to experiment with their work and accommodate more artists at the same time. This would further encourage interaction between artists and foster the development of an international creative community.

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